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writing a poem 意味

"writing a poem"の例文


  • writing a poem
  • writing     writing n. 書くこと; 文; 著述, 著作; 書き方, 字体, 文字. 【動詞+】 His writings on the
  • poem     poem n. (一編の) 詩, 韻文. 【動詞+】 compose a poem 詩を作る Many poems have
  • a poem     a poem 一首 いっしゅ
  • a poem    a poem 一首 いっしゅ
  • poem     poem n. (一編の) 詩, 韻文. 【動詞+】 compose a poem 詩を作る Many poems have been composed to Bacchus, the god of wine. 酒神バッカスに寄せた詩は多数ある declaim a poem 詩を誇張して朗読する learn a poem by heart
  • as of writing    これを書いている時点{じてん}で、本稿執筆{ほんこう しっぴつ}の時点{じてん}では
  • as of writing this    これを書いている時点{じてん}で、本稿執筆{ほんこう しっぴつ}の時点{じてん}では
  • at this writing    これを書いている時点{じてん}で、原稿執筆時点では、今書いてる時点で、本書の執筆時点では、現在のところ
  • in writing    書面で、文書で All notices, reports and other communications shall be made in writing to the following addresses. 《契約書》通知、報告、そのほかの連絡はすべて書面にて下記あて先に送付するものとする。
  • writing     writing n. 書くこと; 文; 著述, 著作; 書き方, 字体, 文字. 【動詞+】 His writings on the subject have been collected in a single volume. その問題について彼が書いたものは 1 冊の本にまとめられている criticize sb's writing 人の書いたものを批評する
  • acrostic poem    アクロスティックの詩
  • allegorical poem    寓意詩{ぐうい し}
  • amatory poem    恋愛詩{れんあいし}
  • anonymous poem    作者不詳の詩
  • author of a poem    歌の読み手


  • into writing a poem or inventing an app
    詩を書いたり アプリを開発したり
  • i'm writing a poem about a dream i had .
  • there appeared a complex practical art like literati painting using multiple techniques of writing a poem on a painting , sign it and putting a seal on it .
  • when sogi set off to the provinces , he had sanetaka write poems on shikishi (a square piece of fancy paper for writing a poem on ), tanzaku (a strip of fancy paper for writing a poem on ), or ogi (a folding fan ), and when sogi returned to kyoto , he brought sanetaka souvenirs or paid him remunerations .
  • when sogi set off to the provinces , he had sanetaka write poems on shikishi (a square piece of fancy paper for writing a poem on ), tanzaku (a strip of fancy paper for writing a poem on ), or ogi (a folding fan ), and when sogi returned to kyoto , he brought sanetaka souvenirs or paid him remunerations .
  • he was appointed to be a japanese envoy to china during the tang dynasty in 834 , but due to a disagreement with fujiwara no tsunetsugu , the senior envoy , he turned down the appointment , claiming to be ill; moreover he incurred the anger of retired emperor saga by writing a poem criticizing the government , which resulted in him being sent to oki island .
    承和 (日本)元年(834年)、遣唐使に任ぜられるが、承和5年(838年)に正使藤原常嗣とのいさかいから、病気と称して職務を拒否したうえ朝廷を批判する詩を作したため、嵯峨上皇の怒りをかい隠岐に流された。
  • these following items were mounted into kakejiku , ' butsu ga ' (buddhist paintings ), ' sansui ga ' (chinese-style landscape painting ), ' kacho ga ' (painting of flowers and birds ), ' bokuseki ' (black ink brush writing by zen priests ), ' kohitsu ' (ancient calligraphy ), ' shikishi ' (a square piece of fancy paper for writing a poem on ), ' tanzaku ' (long , narrow card on which japanese poems are written vertically ), ' gasan ' (inscriptions associated with paintings ), ' shosoku ' (a letter ) and ' dankan ,' fragmentary pieces of a scroll .
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